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3 Types of Members

Together We Can Be Stronger

Holding Hands in the Sunshine
Group of Friends

Networked members
"Friends of the TOLIS"

individuals and/or groups

This is our most basic memberships. Networked individuals or group members, 
1) agree with our statement of ethics, and
2) contribute with a minimal investment of energy currently at an equivalent of at the very least $11 annually.


These people/organizations receive the benefit of connecting in an organization with those of similar beliefs for support and to help encourage others.


Networked members can either be in a networked group and/or also be an individual who has joined TOLIS as a member directly.


When an individual joins as an individual that membership status with TOLIS is primary.


Networked members are simply friends who support us and our Vision in some way, with their Time, Talents and/or Treasures.

Affiliated Member Groups

"Core Associations"

Under our 501(C)(3) Umbrella

Full programs and solitary practitioners of the association organize under the umbrella of the 501(c)(3) are called Affiliated Members and can use the benefits of our tax exemption. They are core supporters of the TOLIS


Affiliated Members report annually and agree to comply with the federal and state requirements regarding nonprofit churches, to be able to be under our federal nonprofit status.


Our affiliated member groups

1) agree with our statement of ethics, and

2) contribute with a very minimal investment of energy currently at of at the very least $11 annually to help us keep our media going. ​


These organizations receive the benefit of connecting in an organization with those of similar beliefs for support. 


Affiliated Member Groups deeply connect with the TOLIS's Vision and support us as a core, grounding structure to help us help others.

Partner with Us

We Can Grow Together

Help Us To Ground,
Take Off and Soar!

Affiliated Solitary Practitioners

A True Church of One

When an individual decides to affiliate with us they are considered to be a solitary practitioner in community, thus a church with one member, which is an honorable path in many Nature-Centered traditions.


As part of their affiliation they must be ordained ministers as they will be serving in the capacity of minister, even though they might not be Called to teach or lead groups.


This ordination can be completed by TOLIS or another comparable certificate and will be considered on an individual basis and fees for such services will be discussed at that time.


Our Affiliated Solitary Practitioner members are networked individuals who

1) agree with our statement of ethics, and

2) contribute with a minimal investment of energy currently at an equivalent of $11 annually.


Affiliated Solitary Practitioners receive the benefit of connecting in a 501(C)(3) organization under our corporate umbrella and with networking with people of similar beliefs for support.  Because of the need for federal oversight an annual accounting is needed only if funds are being run through the TOLIS with an agreement to adhere to the federal oversight guidelines.*

* We are a 501(C)(3) religious nonprofit church association and are in the process of applying for our exemption to have associate organizations affiliate under an umbrella. Until that point any "affiliated" member will be technically sponsored by TOLIS until we can get all the paperwork officially in place.


Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people and organizations that see benefit in our Vision of supporting Naturecentric practitioners and groups. Every contribution going towards making Tree of Life Interfaith Sanctuary helps our community whether you join as a member with us or not. The reason we ask people to join as members for our events is so that we can gather under a formally agreed upon shared system of ethics.


We want to provide you with the correct and appropriate information pertaining to your mode of support or membership, so don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions either here or email directly to us at


We accept donations through PayPal and can receive checks in the mail at 3501 W Shelton Valley Rd, Shelton, WA  98584.

Helping Hands
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