Associated & Affiliated Organizations &/or Solitaire Practitioners
We are proud to share these links to the public groups and/or publicly Naturecentric spiritual practices that are members of the TOLIS. Follow the links to learn more about them. If you are associated (or affiliated) with the TOLIS and wish to have your practice/group listed here, please contact us! We are updating regularly. ​​
A Land Sanctuary in northern NM run by Amber K and Asrael.
Christophe Maso, Silver City NM
Magick/Ritual Consultation/Training
Correllian Publishing
At Correllian Publishing, they are more than just a publisher – they are a community dedicated to preserving and sharing the profound wisdom of Paganism, with a special focus on the Correllian Tradition. Rooted in the rich soil of Pagan spirituality, their mission is twofold: to nurture the minds and souls of their readers with inspiring, thought-provoking publications, and to give back to their community through dedicated support of elder care.​
Erosia Land Sanctuary
They are a Land Sanctuary of the TOLIS in the
Pacific NW, in Washington at the base of the peninsula. They host a ceremony for most of the 8 Sabbats and have camping available on HipCamp through the summer months.
The Fellowship of Pullmetic Faith and Restoration of Truth
Two chapters: one in the South Bay Area, California and another in Billings, Montana.
An organization heavily inspired by the works of Phillip Pullman & dedicated to ensuring a future where we are free from control & allowed to live fully. They aim to fight against controlling forms of religion & also provide a safe space for people of alternative beliefs. They do not require anyone to stick to a particular theology, though do have their own called Pullmetic Faith.
Flame and Well Druid Grove
Join the Journey Within (with Karen Brooks)
Facebook- Main Lady Karen on FB
Pranam with Purna (Joshua Rex)
Instagram- Nothing Created
Facebook- Purna on FB
Sacred Moon Grove, Huntsville Alabama
They are a Pagan Spiritual Organization committed to researching, preserving, & sharing the traditions & practices of our ancestors while also adapting them to modern times & serving the community with the resources they need. They offer a variety of events, workshops, & projects to support personal & spiritual growth, education, & community building.
Contact: Aurora Jordan (President)
The Temple of Dionysus
Whatcom Pagans​​